
Posts Tagged ‘Montreal police’

Mouvement Action Justice: Suckers?

In Uncategorized on April 25, 2011 at 11:22 am

American Universalist P.T. Barnum is famous for saying ‘There’s a sucker born every minute.’  Robin Edgar has certainly has his share.  He has often fooled others into buying into his endless complaints of ‘abuse’ by the Unitarian Church of Montreal and others.

His latest mark?  Montreal’s independent police watchdog group, Mouvement Action Justice, which let loose with his latest claims of abuse against the Montreal Police.

Apparently, the MAJ did not do its homework.  If they had, then they would have easily discovered that Robin Edgar’s ‘peaceful public protest’ is just a thin disguise for a campaign of vitriolic harassment.  They would have also found that the minister against which he complaints yet again, Reverend Ray Drennan, had left the church many years ago.

Then again, it could be that the MAJ simply accepts any and all complaints of ‘police abuse’ at face value, without ever checking their credibility.  Perhaps there is somebody in Montreal who can shed light on their history.

Even so, if the MAJ is indeed reliable, and they decide to look into the facts before following through with Robin Edgar’s ‘case’, we may find them moved to another list of individuals and groups – the ones who learned the hard way that this man is never satisfied with anything less than unquestioned support of everything he says and does, no matter how outlandish and inexcusable.

We can only wait and see how this plays out, as with the other melodramas created by this poor, disturbed man.

If Robin Edgar Were Doing This to an Ex-Girlfriend…

In Uncategorized on November 15, 2010 at 7:47 am


We do not mean for a few hours or a night.  His actions would be seen as stalking and criminal harassment, and he would have been sentenced to prison and ordered to end all contact with his victim.

It is time for the police of Montreal to see Mister Edgar’s actions for the harassment and denigrating abuse which they really are.  The whole point of his “protests” is for the Unitarian Church of Montreal to bow down and say they were totally wrong for removing him from their membership rolls, after two suspensions and numerous attempts to deal with him on a rational basis.

Then what, Robin?  Do you really think the members of UCM would take you back in?  Do you think they want to run the risk of more outrageous and disruptive behaviour on your part?  Would you want to be in the same room with somebody who handles disagreements by writing 24-page letters demanding that everybody else cave in to every single request which you make under the sun (eclipsed or not)?  Would you want to sit in church next to somebody who constantly called you an ‘idiotic moron’ and ‘asshat’ amongst other insults.  Would you even feel safe around somebody who constantly threatened ‘retaliation’ for not letting them have what they want every single time they asked for it?

If a man behaved this way towards a romantic interest, and she rightly filed criminal complaints against him, there would be no question that his behaviour would fall outside the bounds of ‘protected speech’.  It would be seen for the menacing, irrational and abusive harassment that it is, and the authorities would have put a stop to it.

This has been going on for far too long.  It is time for the Unitarian Church of Montreal to act in the same manner as a woman being stalked by a disturbed acquaintance.  Explore all legal options, and file the requisite complaints.  Once that is done, it is time that the Montreal police do their duty, not coddle to this so-called ‘gentilhomme’.  Mister Edgar can act very charming when he wants to.  The problem is that obviously those moments are all too rare.

Montreal police: You would not let somebody who stalked a woman sweet-talk you into walking away from engaging in an act of public harassment.  Don’t fall for his tricks again!