
A Salute

In Uncategorized on November 25, 2015 at 11:48 pm

We note with sadness the departure of Desmond Ravenstone from the Unitarian Universalist community. While the authors of this blog did not necessarily endorse all of his views, we all respect his dedication to honesty, integrity, and a consistent application of UU principles

If one is seeking an antithesis of Robin Edgar, look no further than Mr Ravenstone. While he was not shy in challenging or criticizing the UUA and selected leaders, his tone was always one of offering constructive alternatives (such as instituting an ombudsman’s office) and avoiding personal attacks. He in fact became a frequent target of Mr Edgar, yet refused to let himself be dragged down to Edgar’s level.

Unitarian Universalism has lost a prophetic leader of keen intellect and compassionate insight. May his future journey continue to illuminate, and may others follow his example.

More Evidence of a Downward Spiral

In Uncategorized on November 23, 2014 at 6:38 pm

Robin Edgar has not posted anything in over a month. That alone is not a surprise, as this has happened before. No, what’s significant is that an issue of concern has been gaining attention among Unitarian Universalists, yet he remains completely silent about it.

This is very strange to us, for at the very least, we would expect Mister Edgar to harp on any issue of actual “injustices, abuses and hypocrisy” among UUs, and exploit it for all its worth, desperately trying to link it to his supposed persecution. (This is, in fact, why we are not providing any details; no need to give him opportunities to attempt to hijack more blogs and other online discussions.)

Lately, Mister Edgar has remained fixated on attempts by the UUA to have him cease and desist from further online harassment of a number of its ministers – yet another sign of his unhealthy tendency towards rage-filled obsession. He keeps demanding that the UUA “govern [them]selves accordingly”, while he continues his periodic attacks against anybody and everybody who does not adhere to his continual self-centered demands for attention and validation.

Mister Edgar, if you were truly concerned for justice within Unitarian Universalism, you would have put aside your own demands, and used your talents and energy to help others with no thought of reward or recognition for yourself. But, have you ever done so? Every opportunity to raise awareness regarding some concern or issue, you have to twist it like a pretzel to be about you, even commenting on totally irrelevant blog posts to rant and rave about “Big Fat U*Us”, either generally or by name. And now, in this case, you’re not even bothering to do that. You’ve thus made it clear that your so-called “crusade” is all about you, and nobody else.

Truly sad.

An update: Mister Edgar replied with a comment that he was tweeting about the incident in question. What we found was his reply to a satirical UU tweet on the matter … buried under dozens of tweets he has done. Apparently Twitter is better suited to his more manic tendencies.

So What Does Robin Edgar Have to Say About “Operation Save America” Disrupting UU Worship in New Orleans?

In Uncategorized on July 26, 2014 at 12:40 am

Well, to date, … absolutely nothing!

Considering his past behavior, not surprising.