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Robin Edgar Discovers Twitter

In Uncategorized on July 20, 2011 at 7:53 pm

When Robin Edgar could not get the attention he craved by writing long, insulting letters to members of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, not to mention any and every staffperson and leader in the Canadian Unitarian Council and Unitarian Universalist Association, what did he do?  Resort to harassing the UCM and other UUs with pickets.

When the pickets did not get the attention he craved, what did he do?  Use email and discussion lists to lash out at UUs everywhere and claim victimhood status?

When that did not work?  He created his very own blog, not to mention posting lengthy rants and screeds on other people’s blogs, even blogs and blog posts which have nothing to do with Unitarian Universalism, much less his claims of being ‘persecuted’ and ‘abused’.

Likewise, all but a minority of UUs have blocked him from their emails and blogs.  So what has Robin Edgar done?

He’s discovered Twitter – and, in true obsessive form, he has begun a tweeting rampage, complete with a renewed fixation with ‘Big Fat U*U Assholes’!

Fortunately, Twitter has a block feature, and we encourage UUs to take advantage of this to keep @RobinEdgar from clogging your account with more inane attacks, insults and so-called ‘parody and sarcasm’.  For those who need help, here is a link to walk you through it.