
Posts Tagged ‘justice’

Another Accusation from Robin Edgar

In Uncategorized on January 3, 2013 at 1:07 am

Once again, Robin Edgar has made another list of resolutions on his ‘Emerson Avenger’ blog, all related to his obsessive need to try to bring down Unitarian Universalism for failing to stroke his ego.

The first two are to be expected; he claims that he will ‘hold accountable’ the UUA and their Canadian law firm for their civil actions against his continual harassment and defamation.  How?  Golly, could we see yet more picketing and rage-filled screeds?  After all, the only time he took legal action, with the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal, his complaint was dismissed for lack of merit.  Still, we shouldn’t be surprised if he attempts some sort of counter-suit.

But the most outrageous on his list of resolutions is as follows:

Blog about at least two other well documented cases of Unitarian Universalist clergy or U*U Religious Educators who have actually been charged with, and convicted of, engaging in the despicable crime known as pedophilia.

We have seen this before, with his relentlessly repeating rants about former UU minister Mack Mitchell.  The man was turned in by members of his own congregation, suspended from ministry during legal proceedings, and formally stripped of his ministerial credentials once convicted.  But no, this isn’t good enough for Robin Edgar.  Apparently he wants ‘U*U justice’ to be impossibly swift and sure.  Would it help, Mister Edgar, if the Ministerial Fellowship Committee traveled back in time to undo everything?  Considering his obsessive desire to hold grudges, we wouldn’t be surprised if even that was not good enough for him!

For all we know, the cases he’s talking about could involve people reported to the UUA by active UUs, and acted upon promptly and properly by both UU officials and law enforcement.  It could also be that these are cases from long before the UUA had learned its lesson and implemented better policies for dealing with issues of professional misconduct, and for which the UUA has apologised and made restitution.

But, as we have seen before, nothing the UUA or any UU minister or leader could ever do will ever satisfy him.  His self-defeating efforts are but sad attempts to bring down an organization and a movement devoted to compassion and forgiveness – something which, from what we can tell of his statements and behaviour, he seems very sorely lacking.  It is a shame that a man with such energy must waste so much of it lashing out at a religious community instead of moving on and trying to build something better.  Remember, also, this is a man who has refused to promise to remain non-violent in his so-called quest for ‘justice’.  All we can do, sad to say, is remain vigilant and hopeful that he will not escalate into something much worse.

Robin Edgar and the Seven Principles

In Uncategorized on March 25, 2011 at 10:56 pm

Robin Edgar has repeatedly put himself up as the judge of all Unitarian Universalist conduct, following such an extreme ‘counsel of perfection’ that nobody could possible live up to it.  Any deviation from his interpretation, and he goes on the warpath to denounce and denigrate them, and in the process declares that UUs are hypocritical.

What about Robin Edgar himself?  How well does he live up to these principles which he demands that everybody else live up to in such an absolute degree?

The inherent worth and dignity of every person.  Robin Edgar routinely insults people.  He does not merely say he disagrees with them, but calls them ‘stupid’, ‘morons’, ‘asshats’ and other derogatory terms.  He even brags that he’s deliberately rude and offensive, and uses outlandish excuses to rationalize such behaviour.

Justice, equity and compassion in human relations.  Robin Edgar has probably set a record for the number of misconduct complaints filed against UU ministers, insisting that the fact that he has declared their actions wrong is sufficient grounds for chastising and punishing them.  They include his claim that a minister has ‘demonized and marginalized ALL Republicans’ because she expressed dismay at the language used by some GOP leaders. And if the UUA will not follow through on his complaints?  Well, then they are guilty of complicity and must be similarly punished!  Apparently Mister Edgar believes he is to be the sole arbiter of justice, at least in UU matters.

Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.   We wonder how picketing churches and meetings, and harassing those who enter them, encourages spiritual growth.  Not to mention questioning the Unitarian Church of Montreal’s right to provide free or reduced admission to university students at their events.

A free and responsible search for meaning and truth.  Robin Edgar has been playing fast and loose with the truth for years now, often using distortion and hyperbole to make his case.  We have already cited how he accuses UUs of a coverup which never happened.  Considering how he takes such an extreme approach (his views are beyond question, but woe unto anybody who dares to question him or offer contrary views) just how ‘free and responsible’ is that?

The right of conscience and the use of democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.  Robin Edgar does not believe that UU ministers have the right to express opinions which he finds objectionable (see above under second Principle).  Nor does he respect the right of a congregation’s membership to remove a disruptive individual from their ranks – at least when that individual is him.  So, at best, he believes in a selective application of this principle, where he selects when and how it will be applied.

We’ll leave it there for now, the point being clear.  Robin Edgar demands perfection from others, then plays fast and loose when it comes to how he lives by them.  If he wants to deal with ‘injustices, abuses and hypocrisy,’ then he clearly needs to start with himself.

Robin Edgar Resorts to Slander and Racism Against Rev. Peter Morales

In Uncategorized on March 19, 2011 at 2:18 pm

Once again, Robin Edgar has stooped to new lows in his unending lashing out against Unitarian Universalists.  This time, the current target of his obsessive rage is UUA President Reverend Peter Morales, first with a post insinuating (in his lame yet outrageous style of ‘parody and satire’) that Morales has ‘demonized and marginalized’ a whole host of groups to which Mister Edgar claims the right to speak on behalf of.  He gives no evidence that Morales has indeed done anything to deserve such a comment, but this is par for the course with his previous behaviour, seeking any and every excuse to bash and belittle UUs in a desperate attempt to inflate himself.

But it is the post following this which is even more offensive.  In response to Morales’ observations regarding the Maricopa County sheriff’s office under Joe Arpaio, Robin Edgar labels Morales the ‘token Latino Hispanic President of the UUA’, further accusing Morales of hypocrisy because, as far as Robin Edgar is concerned, the UUA does not have enough Hispanics in its ranks to speak the truth in love regarding racism.

There is an enormous difference between the UUA, which has been making efforts to deal with issues of race and ethnicity, and a sheriff’s department with appallingly disproportionate statistics for its community (both in the lack of Hispanic officers and the high number of Hispanics arrested by the department).  But to lower himself to such an offensive personal attack against Morales only shows just how far this man is willing to go to draw attention to himself, and to artificially prop himself by tearing others down.

Mister Edgar, if the only way you can make yourself feel worth and dignity is to lash out at others, call them names, and resort to racism and slander, then you have no claim to feel outraged or indignant when the target of your endless ire either refuse to respond, or express how you have hurt and demeaned them.  How dare you attempt to make yourself the judge of who lives up to UU ideals, when you yourself go out of your way to do the opposite.

Shame on you!

Robin Edgar’s New Year’s Resolutions

In Uncategorized on January 2, 2011 at 6:48 am

Robin Edgar has now posted six resolutions he has made, and true to form, they all sound like threats agains Unitarian Universalists and anybody else who dares to question his one-sided view of the world (namely, that he is the righteous victim, and anybody who dares disagrees with him is a ‘Big Fat U*U Hypocritical Boneheadly Stupid Liar’, or something to that effect).

Read for yourself…

Resolution #1 – File one or more clergy misconduct complaints against one or more “less than excellent” U*U ministers in order to assess whether or not UUA President Peter Morales will actually live up to his promise to have the most transparent and accountable UUA administration ever.

In other words, if Peter Morales does not do what he wants, then he shall add him to his list of targets for harassment and bile.  Notice that Mister Edgar does not even bother to consider whether his complaints might have merit, as he automatically assumes that his complaints always do.  Remember the first of Robin Edgar’s Rules of Self-Righteousness: he is never wrong and can do no wrong.  No matter how frivolous, bizarre or unsubstantial his complaint, it does not matter.  The fact that he filed it, and that he considers it valid and important (because, after all, Robin Edgar is so very important!) should compel the UUA to follow it — and justify his harassing UU leaders when they do not.

Resolution #2 – Seriously consider filing one or more Police Ethics Commission complaints against one or more Station 11 police officers who behaved in a “less than professional” manner that *could* be considered to constitute police intimidation and harassment during 2010. The flip side of this coin is of course publicly commending those Station 11 police officers who have behaved in a genuinely polite and professional manner during their interactions with me.

Be bad to Robin Edgar, he will be bad to you.  Be good to him, and he might be good to you (or, he may demand that you get yourself further engulfed in his endless crusade for attention and validation).  Nor does he limit his narcissistic demands to UUs, but extends them to police and government agencies.  Everybody must do as he wishes, and nobody must question him.

Resolution #3 – Look into the possibility of laying pertinent criminal charges against the deeply misguided female member of the Unitarian Church of Montreal who falsely accused me of pushing her while I was protesting during the Unitarian Church of Montreal’s “Bid Nite” fund-raising auction in mid-November 2010.

Well, Mister Edgar, why were you picketing them in the first place?  Oh, that’s right – you’re still filled with rage over their kicking you out eleven years ago after enduring years of disruptive and abusive behaviour from you, including endless demands for attention and ‘justice’.  Apparently you do not believe that churches and other private groups have the right to decide who can and cannot be a member, and under what terms.  No, you declare the right to impose your will on them.

As for your allegations of being ‘falsely accused’?  How many times have you lodged this complaint, and then when evidence of your behaviour is put forward, you then try to rationalize it?  How many times have you been found guilty of false accusations and hyperbole?

Resolution #4 – Buy an Amtrak pass or Greyhound pass good for one month and go “spiralling down” south of the border to protest in front of as many Unitarian*Universalist churches as possible during a period of up to one month.

So much for Robin Edgar’s continual assertion that he’s not against all UUs – only those he deems guilty of ‘injustices, abuses and hypocrisies’.  Why, then, ‘protest in front of as many Unitarian*Universalist churches as possible’?  You might as well picket every white person for crimes against people of African, Latin or First Nation ancestry.  No, the only reasons for picketing ‘as many churches as possible’ – even those who have never heard of you or your complaints – is an obsessive all-or-nothing approach to ‘justice’. Either all UUs do as you demand, or all are guilty by association and thus worthy of your wrath.  Some justice!

Resolution #5 – Attend at least one, and possibly two or more, UUA Board of Trustees meetings during 2011 in order to follow-up on the “obviously deep concerns” that I shared with most if not all UUA trustees and key staff members of President Peter Morales’ UUA administration, not the least of them being Rev. Peter Morales himself, “less than sincere” UUA Vice President Kay Montgomery, and Vioe President of Ministries Rev. Harlan Limpert.

Once again, Robin Edgar insists that the UUA’s leadership accept his endless complaints – and his extreme demands for ‘justice’ – without question.  He is never wrong, so his complaints and demands are ‘obviously deep concerns’.  He can do no wrong, so continually harassing churches and meetings with pickets and disruptions is justified in his eyes.  He is not to be ignored, and so any UU leader who does not heed his demand is subject, at least, to yet more accusations and insults.

Resolution #6 – Create six brand-spanking new picket signs to replace those picket signs that were stolen and/or vandalized by Unitarian*Universalist petty thieves and Big Fat U*U Vandals. . . These new picket signs will be bright orange rather than yellow and *some* of them will reference the UUA’s Standing On The Side Of Love campaign. I have already bought the six sheets of bright orange Coroplast corrugated plastic material required for making these new picket signs.

It’s not enough to say he’s creating new picket signs, or even to explain that the reason is because of theft and vandalism.  No, he has to let loose yet another accusation against UUs.  Since he was picketing UUs, then UUs must have stolen or vandalised his signs.  So where’s the proof, Mister Edgar?  Have you filed a criminal complaint against anybody?  Has the police arrested anybody for this?

New Year’s Resolutions are usually meant to commit oneself to making a change in one’s life.  Instead, Robin Edgar has committed himself to threatening UUs with more of the same – more attacks, abuse, harassment and insults.  We suggest that UUs resolve to hold their ground, and let Robin Edgar know that his offensive behaviour will not be tolerated.

As for Robin Edgar, we suggest a more constructive resolution for 2011: Go see a psychiatrist.  Your obsession and rage have gotten you nowhere, and cannot be good for you.  Since you’re not able to let go and move on by yourself, we join the chorus of those who have encountered your bile and narcissism in saying that it is high time that you get help.

Our Advice to the Unitarian Church of Montreal

In Uncategorized on November 23, 2010 at 1:30 am

Once again, Robin Edgar gloats and rants about his latest antics in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, this time picketing them during an annual fundraiser.  When a woman complained to police that he had shoved her, he naturally calls her a “big fat U*U liar”, just as he has accused so many against whom he lashes out of always lying — because, after all, Robin Edgar is never ever wrong, and how dare anybody question him!

We have stated before that it is high time that the criminal nature of Mister Edgar’s continual obsessive harassment should not only be seen for what it is, but that he be held to account for it once and for all.

Section 264 of the Criminal Code of Canada specifies penalties for criminal harassment of the sort which this man has been getting away with for far, far too long.

It is time for the member of UCM to stop waiting for him to picket in order to call a complaint, as it is clear that the police are not taking such complaints seriously.

Instead, we recommend that Reverend Diane Rollert and the Board of UCM collect all evidence of his continual stalking and harassing of the Montreal church, and bring it to the Montreal police in order to file a formal charge that Robin Edgar has knowingly and wilfully violated Section 264 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Mister Edgar can yell “freedom of speech” and “peaceful protest” all that he wants, but any reasonable person who sees the depths to which this man has gone to attack the members and staff of UCM — even lashing out with personal attacks and obscene insults — should be able to see that the totality of his actions have crossed the line.  This is not a man interested in reasonable debate or reconciliation, any more than a stalker doing this to a woman who wants nothing to do with him.

At the very least, the church needs to file for yet another restraining order, if only to provide some short-term relief.  But the only way we can see this ending once and for all is if this self-centered bully is compelled by force of law to refrain from this outrageous behaviour.

The Montreal police need to see his actions in total, not just hear individual complaints whenever he pickets.  While they are at it, we suggest that examples of his cyber-harassment be included into the mix.  That should reveal the true mindset of Robin Edgar to the police.

Robin Edgar’s Idea of Justice and Excellence

In Uncategorized on April 24, 2010 at 3:44 am

This past weekend, Robin Edgar attended the UUA Board meeting’s discussion on Excellence in Ministry, which he then covered on his blog.

Technically he was an observer, but he certainly wasn’t sitting there. As with so many UU meetings and events he has attended, he again tried to make it all about him. So while board and staff tried to talk about how to make sure the next generation of UU ministers are both qualified and supported, he constantly raised the question of “clergy misconduct.”

Apparently, Robin Edgar believes that, if an offending minister can be rehabilitated, and if a minister can appeal an adverse decision of the Ministerial Fellowship Committee, then any and all complaints of alleged clergy misconduct should also be renewed as many times as the person complaining deems necessary. Forget whether it has merit, or whether there is evidence to support the complaint. If ministers can get a second chance, then in his mind anyone with an axe to grind should be able to swing it again and again until they finally get what they want.

Perhaps Robin Edgar doesn’t realize that not every complaint has merit, just as not every defrocked minister deserves to be reinstated. Perhaps he’s never heard of the concept of “prosecutorial harassment” – of using laws or regulations to go after someone over and over, distorting judicial due process and the pursuit of justice into a relentless demand for vengeance, just as destructive as the obsessive stalker going after the woman who rejected him (how dare she, I’ll show her!)

Perhaps Robin Edgar doesn’t really care about fairness, proof or balance. Perhaps all he really cares about is winning, of fulfilling his warped and grandiose fantasies.

We ourselves have our own criticisms of how the UUA has handled clergy misconduct, especially how it has dealt with the victims of such misconduct. But we also know that justice is about more than confronting and punishing others for hurting your feelings. It’s certainly not about browbeating others to get what you want, just because you believe that you can’t possibly be wrong.