
Posts Tagged ‘Montreal’

Because One Angry Blog is Not Enough

In Uncategorized on June 20, 2013 at 9:43 pm

Well, it’s come to our attention that Robin Edgar has created yet another blog for lashing out at the targets of his disdain, this time the Montreal Police.

It used to be he was full of praise for them – when they didn’t arrest or caution him during one of his notorious pickets.  But now that Mister Edgar considers them ‘less than’ conciliatory towards him, he has felt the need to set up another blog among the list of various bizarrely-named platforms for his venom.

We have to wonder, considering how he calls ‘The Emerson Avenger’ his ‘alternate persona’, what does the presence of so many blogs in his name tell us about his personality?  We will leave it for you, readers, to decide.


Robin Edgar’s Latest Manic Attacks

In Uncategorized on February 14, 2013 at 4:08 pm

Robin Edgar has been busy these past two days.

On Tuesday the 12th, two posts riddled with ‘Big Fat U*U’ in them.  Nineteen, to be exact.

But, curiously, on Wednesday the 13th, three posts with no recurrence of that – but plenty of lashing out and vague attacks.

You would think that someone with a difference of opinion over how an organization is run would respond to the retirement of its chief administrator with an optimistic note on the possibility of positive change.  No, Robin Edgar has to take more pot shots at Kay Montgomery.

And you would think that, if you talk repeatedly about ‘pedophiles and rapists’ in an organization, you would actually name some, as Robin Edgar had promised to do in his ‘New Year’s resolutions.’ Again, no such luck.  Robin Edgar prefers instead to be provocative and sensationalistic – or, should we say, ‘deliberately rude and offensive’?

Robin Edgar keeps demanding that the UUA listen to him.  Tell me, Mister Edgar, when you repeatedly describe them with terms like ‘douchebaggery,’ among other insults and perseverations, how do you expect them to take you seriously?

If this latest spate of manic attacks demonstrates anything, it is that Robin Edgar has no interest whatsoever in reconciliation or justice – only in lashing out and drawing attention to himself.

‘I know Robin Edgar…’

In Uncategorized on February 13, 2012 at 2:13 am

We had received this comment a couple of months ago, but hesitated to post it until we made some effort to check it out as best as we can.  Even so, we would not be surprised if Robin Edgar goes off on another one of his tirades, accusing us of ‘more moronic Big Fat U*U BS.’

Well, he can make all the accusations he wants.  Read the comment for yourselves, and decide:

Came across your website and read thru it. I know Robin Edgar from years before, none of this surprises me or others I know who know about him. I’m not Unitarian, or any religion for that matter, but I lived with him in a boarding house here in Montreal. He can come across as nice enough, but as you say he is indeed obsessive. Cameras, for example. He can’t just tell you he took a picture, he has to describe in detail exactly what camera he is using, even his technical opinion, showing off what a great photographer he thinks he is.

I was around when he had his revelation, and like everything else he gets fixed on, he could not stop talking about it. Was convinced he could start his own religious movement around total eclipses, that the Unitarians would be a good place to start. Then things started falling apart, and the rest you know.

You also got right how he handles criticism or disagreement. If you ever cross him, he goes halfcocked about you being crazy or stupid or immoral. It’s hot and cold with him, you are either totally with him or you must be totally against him. He keeps losing friends, either driving them away or going all ballistic on him, then he’ll deny saying what he said or how he yells at people, then when he’s cornered and shown yes he said X Y Z or lost his cool, he goes on justifying it because nothing is ever his fault. Also takes a lot of things the wrong way, sometimes twists it around in really bizarre ways.

Robin has driven away more friends than anyone I know, and he is downright oblivious to his own problems.  People have suggested he see someone, get counseling or learn how to deal better with people. Like you said, that is the worst, he will explode like an atom bomb, how dare anyone say he has any kind of problem. Just like before, running hot and cold, he can only think crazy or sane, and if you are crazy he sees it as a moral failing.

The way Robin behaves gets him in so much trouble, he has a very hard time holding down a job or living in any one place long enough. The few people he can still manage to relate with try not to bring up the Unitarian thing, or just humour him. The alternative of going thru the same old routine – blow up, attack people, deny he did it, be shown he did, then hear him justify everything he just denied – is not worth it for some, but most can only handle that for so long. The only thing unusual is how long he has obsessed with the Unitarians, I think because he figures they are the most convenient target so he can keep denying and avoiding his own problems.

Robin Edgar, we know you read this blog.  Rest assured, we did take considerable steps to have some background checked before deciding to post this.  You can continue to deny and lash out at us, but this is not a ‘Big Fat U*U’ problem.  This is your problem, and it is more obvious to those around you than you realize.  We have said it before, we will say it again, as apparently so many have said to you before: You need professional help.  Stop avoiding, denying, blaming and attacking.

And What is Your Solution, Robin Edgar?

In Uncategorized on May 5, 2011 at 4:22 am

Seems that, whenever Robin Edgar runs out of ideas, he falls into the same tired old habits.  He finds one Google hit, which fits his incredibly narrow, fixated view that ‘UUs are bad’ for whatever reason he can come up with, then whips it into yet another lengthy rant about how – you guessed it – UUs are bad.

This time, he takes a single post, tracks it to two posts where others complain of negative experiences attending UU churches, and offers it as ‘proof’ that Unitarian Universalists are ‘un-welcoming.’

And does he offer any solution to this problem?  No, he doesn’t.  Which does not surprise us in the least.  It’s hard to get Robin Edgar to offer any practical solutions to any of the problems he complains about.  Considering how often he distorts and exaggerates these problems, and in a few cases manufactures them, we don’t see how he could find any such solutions.

Let’s also take a good look at his ‘evidence.’  One of the posts which he copies and pastes is close to three years old; the other is six years old.  For all he knows, the individual churches in question could have taken a good, hard look at themselves and made changes in how they greeted and interacted with newcomers.  Considering how the UUA has been developing programs over the past few years to help congregations address just these issues, you would think that he would look at the whole timeline and see that UUs are working on solutions to the problem.

Nope.  Robin Edgar needs a reason to complain, so why should he care about the facts?  Why should he do anything more than repeat years-old criticism like it’s yesterday’s news?  More important than that, why doesn’t he even bother with coming up with solutions of his own, instead of rehashing the same obsessive gripes?

At the very least, he could try starting his own independent spiritual community, open to all people, and ‘show ’em how its done,’ as they say.  Since he is listed as a contact for the breakaway American Unitarian Conference, why doesn’t he try starting a fellowship under their auspices?

No, Robin Edgar?

Apparently not.  He is too obsessed with accusing UUs of being ‘unwelcoming’ towards him that he is unable to be welcoming himself.

Not to mention the fact that the Unitarian Church of Montreal did welcome him as a member in 1993.  By 1997, his behaviour and demands had gotten so out of hand that the church’s leadership felt they had to suspend that membership for six months.  He responds with even more outrageous behaviour, both at church events and his picketing outside, not to mention his refusal to accept the written apology he demanded from Reverend Ray Drennan, that the UCM’s membership voted to expel him – after letting him give yet another lengthy, angry and almost incoherent defense of his actions (in which he actually compared the Board’s motion with the Spanish Inquisition, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and ‘ethnic cleansing’).

Robin Edgar was welcomed, and like an obnoxious party guest, he wore out his welcome.  He was told to leave, and told why.  But because he cannot accept that, and because the UUA will not punish the Montreal church as he sees fit, he now sees fit to punish all UUs for not conforming to his demands.

Well, Mister Edgar, if you want Unitarian Universalists to even consider your demands – whatever they may be – then we will repeat our condition for such: Go get professional help!  At the very least, you can dispel all the statements you so hate concerning your mental health.  At best, however, you could finally focus on the real problem here.

Mouvement Action Justice: Suckers?

In Uncategorized on April 25, 2011 at 11:22 am

American Universalist P.T. Barnum is famous for saying ‘There’s a sucker born every minute.’  Robin Edgar has certainly has his share.  He has often fooled others into buying into his endless complaints of ‘abuse’ by the Unitarian Church of Montreal and others.

His latest mark?  Montreal’s independent police watchdog group, Mouvement Action Justice, which let loose with his latest claims of abuse against the Montreal Police.

Apparently, the MAJ did not do its homework.  If they had, then they would have easily discovered that Robin Edgar’s ‘peaceful public protest’ is just a thin disguise for a campaign of vitriolic harassment.  They would have also found that the minister against which he complaints yet again, Reverend Ray Drennan, had left the church many years ago.

Then again, it could be that the MAJ simply accepts any and all complaints of ‘police abuse’ at face value, without ever checking their credibility.  Perhaps there is somebody in Montreal who can shed light on their history.

Even so, if the MAJ is indeed reliable, and they decide to look into the facts before following through with Robin Edgar’s ‘case’, we may find them moved to another list of individuals and groups – the ones who learned the hard way that this man is never satisfied with anything less than unquestioned support of everything he says and does, no matter how outlandish and inexcusable.

We can only wait and see how this plays out, as with the other melodramas created by this poor, disturbed man.

Unhealthy Obsession Indeed

In Uncategorized on April 3, 2011 at 10:22 am

One of our readers has reported that he has tracked the origin of Robin Edgar’s Internet activity:

the IP listed is Bibliotheque Nationale Du Quebec.

Indeed, this is the provincial library for Quebec, and their website shows that, like other public libraries, they offer free Internet service.  As our reader speculates:

if he’s accessing the internet through the library these days, that might mean he’s now unemployed- which would explain how he has time for all this. And why he’s been extra bitter lately, too.

Now, when most people lose a job, they devote their time to finding a new one.  Instead, Robin Edgar appears to be increasing his lashing out at Unitarian Universalist.  Does he actually believe this will get him gainful employment?

An alternative explanation is that he actually works at the library … and is doing his anti-UU blogging, commenting and web-surfing while on the job.  Not likely, however, as most large employers tend to monitor their personnel’s computer activity these days.

Either way, we have a question for Mister Edgar.   How can you continue to insist that you are not obsessed?  Only an obsessed individual would spend more time online lashing out in anger at so many individuals instead of finding gainful employment and moving on with your life.  Only an obsessed individual would engage in such behaviour while on the clock, placing their employment status in jeopary.

This is not the behaviour of a healthy individual.  You need to move on with your life, sir.  Rather than dwell on the ‘wrongs’ which you constantly allege have been done against you, or claiming to be some righteous crusader while behaving like a rage-filled stalker, the time is long overdue for you to let go.  You say that you are a spiritual man, Mister Edgar.  The great spiritual traditions of the world call for forgiveness of wrongs, whether perceived or real.  Why are you so unable to embrace this virtue?

Get help, Mister Edgar.  We implore you once again.  Putting this campaign of rancor and bitterness above earning a decent wage makes no sense, and cannot lead to anything good for you.

Ten Things Robin Edgar Could be Doing

In Uncategorized on March 25, 2011 at 6:02 am

‘Doesn’t this guy have anything better to do?’  We keep hearing this question with regard to Robin Edgar, repeated almost as often as his own perseverations.  That got us thinking of things this man could do instead of wasting so much time and energy pointlessly attacking Unitarian Universalists, from picketing over and over again, to lodging the same tired complaints on his blog (and, unfortunately, the comment pages of other blogs).

So, in the spirit of David Letterman, here are our Top Ten suggestions for alternatives to Robin Edgar’s ridiculous anti-UU antics.

10) Start his own religion.  If he is so convinced he could do a better job than the current (or, for that matter, any) leadership of the UUA, then why not form his own church in Montreal, and help others start similar communities elsewhere.  Since this whole thing apparently started over his revelation, then why not make it the centrepiece of a new spiritual movement?

9) Get a (second?) job.  It’s not clear whether Robin Edgar is gainfully employed.  If not, then he could at least try to get some full-time employment.  If so, then why not channel all of that energy into a second job?

8) Take a writing course.  God only knows his hackneyed rants show a need!

7) Start dating.  None of his writings indicate he has a significant other.  Well, how could he, what with spending all of his time typing rants on his blog, making new picket signs, picketing the Montreal church, travelling to picket other UU churches and meetings?  Who knows what might happen if he made room in his life for somebody else?

6) Volunteer.  There are so many people in need of care and assistance: elderly, disabled, children from disadvantaged single parent homes.  So why not put all that energy and emotion into helping them, instead of tearing others down in a vain attempt to aggrandise himself?

5) Join a real protest movement.  There are also worthy causes whose leaders would welcome somebody willing to stand hours at a time holding a sign, or make video records of newsworthy events.

4) Go to the gym.  If Robin Edgar can lug video equipment and signs all over Montreal, he could improve his health by lifting weights and running on a treadmill.

3) Go to the library.  Or, he could pick up some books, and fill his mind with something more constructive than his obsessive fixations.

2) Meditate.  These are not the actions of somebody who has found peace.  What would happen if he managed to do so?

And the number one suggestion, not only from us but from so many who have read his online tirades or witnessed his antics on the street…

1) Get therapy!


Montreal Unitarian Beware…

In Uncategorized on March 23, 2011 at 11:03 pm

It is typical of malignant narcissists to play a warped game of tit-for-tat.  When those around him talk about something else, he cries, ‘What about me?’ When they try to point out his own antisocial behaviour, he points an accusing finger and snarls, ‘What about her?’

Such is the course of Robin Edgar.  When asked if he would pleadge not to use physical violence against Unitarian Universalists, he not only refuses to give a straightforward answer, but once again picks on somebody else.  In this case, it is Reverend Victoria Weinstein.

Again, he harps on a post she made, and later deleted.  Mister Edgar, you are the one obsessed with anal impalements, not to mention connecting so many other things with the human rectum.  Reverend Weinstein has moved on, and you are still unable to.

He also repeats his diatribe about an incident remarked about in 2005.  We also commented on this ten months ago, and we made it clear that we did not condone such behaviour.  Not enough for Robin Edgar, because when confronted with his own irrational and spiteful antics, he needs somebody else to point to as a distraction. ‘What about her?’

If that were not enough, he accuses unnamed members of the Montreal church of physically assaulting him.  Really, sir?  Then why no mention of any criminal complaints filed by you against these individuals?  Where is your evidence?  Where are your witnesses?

But let us return to the point, Mister Edgar – your behaviour.  You have been harassing, attacking, stalking, insulting, offending and generally acting like that part of the human anatomy you so love to point out, for almost two decades now.  You have widened your circle of targets, spewing venom and bile at any and all UUs who refuse to join your endless crusade.  Like other obsessed stalkers before you who have done likewise, either at the lady who spurned them, or the employer who fired or refused to hire them, yours is a clear pattern of escalation.

First you expect to trust that you will not be violent because you have not yet been violent.  Again, let’s point out the danger of escalation, where the offending behaviour only gets worse and worse as the obsessed stalker decides he has to ‘take it up a notch’ to get what he wants (and, in his warped view of things, somehow deserves).  During the time you were a member of the Montreal church, you were asked to abide by certain covenants, and then violated those covenants.  So how can you be trusted now?

Worse yet, Robin Edgar claims the right to what he calls ‘legitimate self-defense.’  Well, we have seen what he considers to be ‘legitmate’ in terms of grievances and complaints – simply another excuse for him to pick a fight, denigrate somebody else, and draw attention to himself.  We would hate to see what somebody so self-centered would regard as ‘self-defense.’

We would hate to see the Montreal church needing to become a fortress.  But it is clear that Robin Edgar cannot be trusted to remain nonviolent, considering the violence of the words and imagery he chooses to use, and the examples he cites (exaggerated and distorted as they are) to rationalize and justify his already outrageous behaviour.

Members and friends of the Unitarian Church of Montreal – please be careful!  The potential danger of this man should not be underestimated.  Do whatever you can within the bounds of law and reason to keep Robin Edgar at bay.

If Robin Edgar Loves ‘Protest’ So Much,…

In Uncategorized on February 26, 2011 at 8:42 am

Another repetitious blog post from Robin Edgar, this time standing in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal (and his mounted video camera), twirling his big orange signs, often looking over his shoulder, as he delivers yet another monologue about how so many people have done him wrong.  Unitarian Universalists have done him wrong.  Quebec Crown prosecutors have done him wrong.  Judges and police have done him wrong.  Why?

Well, let’s see now.  He engaged in a relentless campaign of harassment and disruptive behaviour, all because he did not like what Reverend Ray Drennan had to say about his insistence that an ‘interfaith celebration’ be held at the church every time there was a solar eclipse, all based on his own personal ‘revelation’.  It continues, and even escalates, long after he has been twice suspended from the church, and finally removed from membership.  He files a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission, which is dismissed as being without merity.  He begins to harass the current minister, Reverend Diane Rollert, who gets a restraining order.

The church exercised its right to exclude a disruptive and malicious person from his attempts to impose his will on the rest of the congregation.  The police did their duty by responding to complaints.  The prosecutors and judges of Montreal’s courts did their duty in following through with those complaints.

So, what exactly did they do that was so wrong?  What did they do to deserve Robin Edgar?

From what we can tell, the only ‘crime’ these individuals and organizations did was dare to disagree with Robin Edgar.

Right now, the prime assertion which Robin Edgar is defending is an absolute right to engage in ‘peaceful public protest,’ as he is so apt to repeat over and over again (including a number of times in his three minute video).  How dare anybody try to intimidate him from trying to intimidate the Unitarian Church of Montreal and the Quebec Crown prosecutors by means of ‘peaceful public protest’, a/k/a ‘alternative spiritual practice’!  No, no, no!  The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that right, and so he will exercise it whenever and wherever he wants, as often as he wants!

All right, then, Mister Edgar.  What if Unitarian, Crown prosecutors, and others who are fed up with your antics, decide to engage in ‘peaceful public protest’ against you?  Picketing outside of your home, your workplace, the coffee shop that you frequent?  Following you wherever you go, demanding ‘justice’ for your hypocritical and outrageous behaviour?  If you have the absolute right to harass others under the guise of ‘peaceful public protest’, then shouldn’t others have the absolute right to do the same to you?

It would not surprise us if somebody decided to do that.  Mind you, we are not saying that they should.  But, if they did, what possible argument would Robin Edgar have to say that they couldn’t?

Robin Edgar: Desperate for Attention

In Uncategorized on February 25, 2011 at 3:10 am

As we reported earlier, Robin Edgar has now directed his ire at Quebec’s Crown Prosecutors.  How curious that he waits for their strike and picket line at Montreal’s Palais de Justice in order to express his displeasure at them for … doing their jobs.

He has now been picketing their pickets for the past few days, carrying signs accusing them of ‘undermining [Canadian] Charter Rights and Freedoms’, taking pictures and videos of himself, and at one point arguing with one of the picketers.

A noteworthy line from his latest video monologue: ‘There goes the RDI truck, or maybe it’s just arriving…’

RDI, by the way, is Le Réseau de l’information, Radio Canada’s Francophone news channel.  Tell us, Mister Edgar, is this the reason you’ve decided to latch onto the Crown Prosecutor’s protest like a leech?  Are you now so desperate for attention that you must lash out at public servants for fulfilling their obligations under law?

Apparently so.  Robin Edgar has been craving attention for years now, and he doesn’t care how obnoxious or irrelevant his actions in order to get it.  So long as he has eyes and cameras turned towards him (even if it’s only his own, with him standing giving yet another rambling statement about how others are trying to ‘intimidate’ him from trying to intimidate others) his narcissism is being fed.  The problem with all of that is that narcissism is a very hungry beast indeed; if you do not feed it continually, then it will feed on you!

How pitiful a sight to see a man waste so much energy and effort, all for the hope of getting more attention, and wondering why others find him so annoying.  He calls it a ‘counter-protest’, but all we see is someone being counter-productive.