
Posts Tagged ‘New Year’s resolution’

Robin Edgar’s New Year’s Resolutions

In Uncategorized on January 2, 2011 at 6:48 am

Robin Edgar has now posted six resolutions he has made, and true to form, they all sound like threats agains Unitarian Universalists and anybody else who dares to question his one-sided view of the world (namely, that he is the righteous victim, and anybody who dares disagrees with him is a ‘Big Fat U*U Hypocritical Boneheadly Stupid Liar’, or something to that effect).

Read for yourself…

Resolution #1 – File one or more clergy misconduct complaints against one or more “less than excellent” U*U ministers in order to assess whether or not UUA President Peter Morales will actually live up to his promise to have the most transparent and accountable UUA administration ever.

In other words, if Peter Morales does not do what he wants, then he shall add him to his list of targets for harassment and bile.  Notice that Mister Edgar does not even bother to consider whether his complaints might have merit, as he automatically assumes that his complaints always do.  Remember the first of Robin Edgar’s Rules of Self-Righteousness: he is never wrong and can do no wrong.  No matter how frivolous, bizarre or unsubstantial his complaint, it does not matter.  The fact that he filed it, and that he considers it valid and important (because, after all, Robin Edgar is so very important!) should compel the UUA to follow it — and justify his harassing UU leaders when they do not.

Resolution #2 – Seriously consider filing one or more Police Ethics Commission complaints against one or more Station 11 police officers who behaved in a “less than professional” manner that *could* be considered to constitute police intimidation and harassment during 2010. The flip side of this coin is of course publicly commending those Station 11 police officers who have behaved in a genuinely polite and professional manner during their interactions with me.

Be bad to Robin Edgar, he will be bad to you.  Be good to him, and he might be good to you (or, he may demand that you get yourself further engulfed in his endless crusade for attention and validation).  Nor does he limit his narcissistic demands to UUs, but extends them to police and government agencies.  Everybody must do as he wishes, and nobody must question him.

Resolution #3 – Look into the possibility of laying pertinent criminal charges against the deeply misguided female member of the Unitarian Church of Montreal who falsely accused me of pushing her while I was protesting during the Unitarian Church of Montreal’s “Bid Nite” fund-raising auction in mid-November 2010.

Well, Mister Edgar, why were you picketing them in the first place?  Oh, that’s right – you’re still filled with rage over their kicking you out eleven years ago after enduring years of disruptive and abusive behaviour from you, including endless demands for attention and ‘justice’.  Apparently you do not believe that churches and other private groups have the right to decide who can and cannot be a member, and under what terms.  No, you declare the right to impose your will on them.

As for your allegations of being ‘falsely accused’?  How many times have you lodged this complaint, and then when evidence of your behaviour is put forward, you then try to rationalize it?  How many times have you been found guilty of false accusations and hyperbole?

Resolution #4 – Buy an Amtrak pass or Greyhound pass good for one month and go “spiralling down” south of the border to protest in front of as many Unitarian*Universalist churches as possible during a period of up to one month.

So much for Robin Edgar’s continual assertion that he’s not against all UUs – only those he deems guilty of ‘injustices, abuses and hypocrisies’.  Why, then, ‘protest in front of as many Unitarian*Universalist churches as possible’?  You might as well picket every white person for crimes against people of African, Latin or First Nation ancestry.  No, the only reasons for picketing ‘as many churches as possible’ – even those who have never heard of you or your complaints – is an obsessive all-or-nothing approach to ‘justice’. Either all UUs do as you demand, or all are guilty by association and thus worthy of your wrath.  Some justice!

Resolution #5 – Attend at least one, and possibly two or more, UUA Board of Trustees meetings during 2011 in order to follow-up on the “obviously deep concerns” that I shared with most if not all UUA trustees and key staff members of President Peter Morales’ UUA administration, not the least of them being Rev. Peter Morales himself, “less than sincere” UUA Vice President Kay Montgomery, and Vioe President of Ministries Rev. Harlan Limpert.

Once again, Robin Edgar insists that the UUA’s leadership accept his endless complaints – and his extreme demands for ‘justice’ – without question.  He is never wrong, so his complaints and demands are ‘obviously deep concerns’.  He can do no wrong, so continually harassing churches and meetings with pickets and disruptions is justified in his eyes.  He is not to be ignored, and so any UU leader who does not heed his demand is subject, at least, to yet more accusations and insults.

Resolution #6 – Create six brand-spanking new picket signs to replace those picket signs that were stolen and/or vandalized by Unitarian*Universalist petty thieves and Big Fat U*U Vandals. . . These new picket signs will be bright orange rather than yellow and *some* of them will reference the UUA’s Standing On The Side Of Love campaign. I have already bought the six sheets of bright orange Coroplast corrugated plastic material required for making these new picket signs.

It’s not enough to say he’s creating new picket signs, or even to explain that the reason is because of theft and vandalism.  No, he has to let loose yet another accusation against UUs.  Since he was picketing UUs, then UUs must have stolen or vandalised his signs.  So where’s the proof, Mister Edgar?  Have you filed a criminal complaint against anybody?  Has the police arrested anybody for this?

New Year’s Resolutions are usually meant to commit oneself to making a change in one’s life.  Instead, Robin Edgar has committed himself to threatening UUs with more of the same – more attacks, abuse, harassment and insults.  We suggest that UUs resolve to hold their ground, and let Robin Edgar know that his offensive behaviour will not be tolerated.

As for Robin Edgar, we suggest a more constructive resolution for 2011: Go see a psychiatrist.  Your obsession and rage have gotten you nowhere, and cannot be good for you.  Since you’re not able to let go and move on by yourself, we join the chorus of those who have encountered your bile and narcissism in saying that it is high time that you get help.